Interested in singing with the Chamber Singers?
We rehearse Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:30 pm during our August-May season at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Iowa City. Members are expected to sing for the entirety of the season, participating in all rehearsals and concerts unless special arrangements are made with the Music Director and their section leader.
Members must provide their own black folders and concert outfits. For men this includes a black tuxedo with black cummerbund (not a vest) and black bow tie. Men’s shoes must be dress/formal shoes with a closed toe and heel. Requisite attire for women is a reasonably priced ensemble to be purchased through the choir from a third-party supplier. Women must wear black hose and black dress shoes.
Annual member dues are $185 for regular members, due at the first rehearsal of the year; full-time students dues are waived. Dues includes the cost of scores.
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